Life's a Beach!

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We had a really great weekend! Daddy and Mummy surprised us by taking us to a local dog beach! Here is me and Hampton running towards the water.

Hampton spent most of the time sniffing rocks and walking around with Mummy (to each their own! *yawn*) while Daddy and I played fetch (fun! *happy feet*). 

Daddy threw t.b. in the water for me a few times. I usually don't like going in the water but I couldn't just let t.b. float away! I'm glad though that he didn't throw the ball too far. He knows I only like getting my legs wet.

Here is another shot of me and t.b. I am a happy girl!

We had a great day!


anipal photohunt #3: MY FAVORITE TOY

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Our pal Cokie the Cat has started a fun anipal photo hunt! The photo hunt is a blog hop for anipals only - each week there is a new theme. Check out the details on Cokie's website! This week's theme features our favorite toys!

 ZuZu says:
Regular readers of our blog and comic will know that I is CRAZY about my t.b. (tennis ball).  I am also known for getting 'happy feet' when I plays ball with Daddy, see my video in a previous blog post by clicking here.

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Starbuck says:
Me favorite toy has always been plastic bottles! I couldn't find a picture of me with one  but I do has the 'after' pic, BOL!

 M&D even drew a comic about it (click here to see full comic, #18 on the comic carousel)

Comic #18 Starbuck's Toy Evaluation

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Hampton says:
Following in my big brofur's pawsteps (but not entirely) me favorite toy is the plastic bottle cap. Watch me in action (video) with my cap in this previous post "my claim to fame".

We hopes you liked our pictures!

ZuZu, Starbuck and Hampton

wordless wednesday - Starbuck

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supersized t.b.

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Today, Daddy brought home a SUPERSIZED t.b. for us! I immediately ran over to ZuZu to show her.

I thought ZuZu would spaz out because of how much she lubs tennis balls and this one is SUPERSIZED! And I was right! She just lubbed it!

We had a lot of fun with SUPERSIZED t.b., we played lots of tug-o-war:

I think playing with a SUPERSIZED toy makes you even more tired than playing with a regular one. After all our playing we ended up having a SUPERSIZED nap. ZuZu was so sneepy she even let me nap with her (a bonus!).

Thank you Daddy for our new toy!


anipal photohunt #2: PAWTRAITS

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Our pal Cokie the Cat has started a fun anipal photo hunt! The photo hunt is a blog hop for anipals only - each week there is a new theme. Check out the details on Cokie's website! This week's theme features our paws! Here are our 'pawtraits':

ZuZu is all face and paw!

Hampton shows off his artsy sleepy paws in this pawtrait:

And finally, Starbuck who always likes to do things a bit differently:


from all us three,!
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wordless wednesday - hampton and zuzu

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