yes i want more! ♥ dog blog ♥ zuzu

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i hopes everyone had a good kissmas and is having happy howlidays!  one of my favorite things about  special occasions is that mummy bakes us something special. for kissmas this year mummy decided to make us our favorite peanut butter nom noms. ever since we started eating raw food we mostly have had blueberries or carrots for treats. but mummy said on special occasions she will bake us something special.

 here is me waiting on the nom noms:

finally, after what seemed like forever, the peanut butter noms were ready. here is a video of me and brofur hampton eating our noms. mummy says its really cute how my ears perk up when she asks me if i want "more"? what do you think?


if you want the recipe for these peanut butter nom noms click here
mummy also posted the recipe she used for my birfday pupcakes here

p.s. follow us on twitter, facebook and youtube!
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wordless wednesday ♥ dog blog ♥ hampton monroe

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counting down to kissmas...ho hum...♥ dog blog ♥ hampton monroe

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harroooo! its been a while since i blogged. m&d were away on vacation and so i was busy entertaining grandmum and grandpops while they stayed over at our place.

m&d are back now and we haven't been up to much lately. the weather has been really rainy so i've been spending a lot of time curling myself up into a little ball and snuggling under the covers with mummy. plus i need to save up my energy for kissmas time. its coming up real soon!

mummy wonders how i make myself so small and how i can even breathe. don't worry mum! i'm nice and comfy! this is a picture mummy took under the covers. bol!

anyway, i hope everyone is doing well. just a few more sneeps until kissmas! i'm still waiting for mummy to make our kissmas cards...*tapping paws impatiently*....


wordless wednesday ♥ dog blog ♥ starbuck and zuzu

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wordless wednesday ♥ dog blog ♥ zuzu

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my 2nd birfday ♥ dog blog ♥ hampton monroe

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Hi everyone! I want to thank you all for my birfday wishes over the last few days. It felt really special getting birfday greetings from all over the world (Italy, Spain, UK, Australia, USA, China...). I even got a shout out from Walter Bishop from our favorite show Fringe!!!

Here are some photos from my birfday pawty:

Me sniffing out a box that smells like peanut butter (could that be my birfday cake???)

Has the pawty started yet???

ZuZu helped me open my present....

Is this really what I got? A nail clipper and ear cleaners???

Feeling bummed about my 'practical' gifts...

Oh wait! Mummy & Daddy were playing a trick on me. This is my 'real' present!!
Nommy nommy rawhide! ZuZu got one too!

happy birfday to meeeee, arroooooo!!

I had a perfect day! I can't wait til next year!!


You can see a few more pics of my birfday on facebook:
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